Glycemic Load of Coconut Water: Is Coconut Water High in Sugar?

The measurement of the carb content of food with the pace with which it increases the blood glucose level is called the Glycemic Load. The Glycemic Index provides a numeric to each food item according to how it affects the blood glucose levels. This is an easy way of finding alternative sources of nutrients according to blood glucose levels. Glucose has a higher blood glucose response in comparison to fructose.

Coconut water is found in green coconuts and is a clear liquid. It has been gaining more and more popularity these days, but people have been consuming it for years now. According to the International GI Tables, it has a GI of 54. It is known for being highly concentrated with vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. It generally comes from the younger coconuts and has a hoard of nutrients and benefits.

Coconut water is great, especially during the summers, and it comprises healthy nutrients like

  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorous
  • Potassium

How to Calculate Glycemic Load of Coconut Water?

The standard Glycemic index of coconut water is 54. The high glycemic index of the foods helps in reducing the risks related to cardiovascular diseases. If we want to talk about diet, the key to prevent diabetes or any chronic illness is to distribute the carbohydrate consumption content throughout the day and manage the sugar levels in the body correctly.

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The Formula/Procedure For Calculation of Glycemic Index of the Coconut : 

GL = GI * carbs / 100


  • GL – glycemic load;
  • GI – glycemic index;
  • and carbs – the amount of carbohydrates in the portion.
Nutrition Facts: Coconut Water
1.100 g of Coconut Water2 (low)
2.250 g of Coconut Water5 (low)
3.500 g of Coconut Water10 (medium)
4.1 Kg of Coconut Water20 (high)
5.One Glass Coconut Water6.5 (low)
6.1 Cup of Coconut Water3.8 (low)

Is Coconut Water Safe to Consume If You Have Diabetes? 

There have been several studies on animals that have confirmed that coconut water helps improve blood sugar control. However, more studies must be done to verify its effects on humans. However, given that coconut water is high in magnesium, it is guaranteed to increase insulin sensitivity and decrease blood sugar levels in people who type 2 diabetes. People with diabetes can consume coconut water in moderation because it has carbs, which are eventually broken down into sugar.

Can I Eat Coconut Water During a Fat-Loss Diet?

You can have coconut water if you are on a fat-loss diet. However, you must be very strict with the quantity that you consume, and it must not exceed 250 ml.

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  • A 250 ml serving of coconut water has a GL of 5 which is low.
  • Coconut water is an excellent drink to hydrate yourself with because of the number of nutrients.

Can I Eat Coconut Water During a Low-Carbohydrate Diet?

You can have coconut water when you are on a low-carbohydrate diet. However, you must be mindful of the quantity you consume. It is advised that you do not consume more than 200 ml.

Is Coconut Water High in Sugar?

100 ml of coconut water has 2.6 g of sugar and 3.7 g of carbohydrates. It has a fairly low amount of both. Given that and the high presence of nutrients, it is an excellent choice of drink for everyone.